MicrobeBio products effectively outperform many of the other fertilizer leading brands in this industry. How?

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MicrobeBio products effectively outperform many of the other fertilizer leading brands in this industry. How?

At MicrobeBio, we have an exceptionally unique line of products that function synergistically to completely restore the soil, protect crops from disease and pests, and greatly increase yield.  Our propriety multi-valued product system work in symphony with each other to mimic nature, bringing the optimal essential nutrients and crop protection that your crops will need, starting from seed and lasting throughout harvest as the way Mother Nature intended.

MicrobeBio products effectively outperform many of the other leading brands in this industry. How? Rather than focusing on singular aspects in the technology, chemistry, and condition of or stage of the plant development, MicrobeBio has developed an advanced multi-usage product platform. Our products are specifically designed to provide the fundamental nutrients and microbes throughout the entire duration of the crop cycle. MicrobeBio products are created to closely mimic Nature’s processes which leads to better crop development and creates a natural defense against plant disease and pests. Our products work harmoniously with one another to support plant health by stimulating the natural processes which increase nutrient uptake and efficiency, remediate soil condition and provides a boost to growth and vigor. Our products are designed to deliver the exact nutrients and microbial amounts needed throughout the different stages of plant development, practically taking all of the guesswork out.

 MicrobeBio’s line of products are concentrated with the necessary beneficial “free-living” microorganisms and fungi and are equally created to ensure the healthy development of a healthy root system. These microorganisms form a symbiotic relationship with the plant’s root system in order to better provide readily available nutrients. Each of our products contains a uniquely individualized combination of microbial inoculant in which enhances the atmospheric nitrogen absorption and solubilizes naturally occurring phosphorus that binds to soil particles. We provide products that enhance sustainable soil by including the fundamental components of bacteria, fungi, organic matter, microbe-biological elements and organic enzymes that increase soil minerals. When soil has all of these natural components working together simultaneously, the water retention quality, air quality, and the plant biodiversity is considerably enhanced and improved. Healthy soils cultivate and ensure the production of beautiful and nutrient-dense plants.

Each and every one of MicrobeBio products are uniquely designed with progressive microbial technology to establish the most superb plant and crop yields. These microorganisms break down the organic matter within the soil, which frees additional nutrients that were previously unavailable to the plant. Because they are packed full of these beneficial microorganisms and bacteria, our products increase and raise the plant’s natural ability to fight off harmful pathogens and/or bacteria that invade and disrupt the rhizosphere. By using our microbial technological products, you will see a major increase in the plant’s tolerance to any physical and biological strain.

MicrobeBio understands that microbial technology can drastically alleviate global issues that are caused from the unsustainable agricultural practices we see today. By utilizing the power of naturally occurring microorganisms and bacteria, we can essentially revitalize the soil to greatly increase yields, all the while reducing the negative environmental impacts seen from unsustainable practices.

MicrobeBio focuses on an ecosystem-based strategy that targets long-term prevention of the damages to the environment caused from many pesticides. Our products consist of biopesticides, which are naturally occurring substances (such as microbes, bacteria, or plant extracts), that are produced with the goal of removing only the target organism. Biopesticides parasitize and kill the pests in the larval/pupal stage of development, effectively preventing further egg laying and limiting the damages of the crops. These biopesticides are considered to have a low impact on the environment and are seen to have an increase in the quality of yield being produced.

MicrobeBio products contain all of the fundamental organic matters that are essential to transform any nutrient deficient soil into a strong foundation of fruitful and vigor filled soil. Our products are always 100% natural and are free of any chemicals, non-synthetic materials.


You might say that MicrobeBio has taken the very best of Mother Nature and put it into a concentrated form, and like all-natural products should be, we never use growth hormones or GMOs, never irradiate, and we never use any chemicals that are harmful to humans, livestock or the planet. 

In closing; Think of MicrobeBio products like this – We’re the health food of plant food, and were here to put an end to all of the horticultural junk-food that has been shoved down Mother Nature’s gullet for far too long.


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