Why MicrobeBio Soil Microbes Are Vital for Cannabis Growth?


Everyone knows that plants need water, light, and nutrients to grow. However, recent scientific development in the area has shown how soil microbes can boost the growth of cannabis and take its health to the next level. Growers in increasing numbers are getting to know that their plants need soil microbes to maximize their phenotypic potential. They are discovering the advantages of integrating microbial inoculants into their outdoor and indoor cultivation management practices.

If you are one of those who do not understand why soil microbes are vital for the growth of cannabis, then do not worry. In this article, we will discuss why microbes are crucial for cannabis plant health and how microbes and cannabis plants work together.

Why MicrobeBio Soil Microbes Are Vital Role for Cannabis Plant Health?

Deep down within the soil, there are a whole bunch of essential microbes that consists of fungi and bacteria. These microbes play a vital role in the overall development and growth of your cannabis plant.

Having said that, the idea of bacteria aiding nutrition to the cannabis plants might seem strange to you. But do remember that the human body also contains several bacteria to keep it healthy. Of course, humans are not made of soil. Therefore, things do not exactly work in the same fashion. But the microbes in our guts and those found in the soil share key common functions.

Essential microbes in the soil help in breaking down the available nutrients. This breakdown of substances helps the cannabis plant roots to increase their uptake of beneficial nutrients more efficiently.

Cannabis microbial MicrobebioHow Cannabis Plants and Microbes Work Together?

Now that you understand that microbes provide essential nutrients to plants in their soil, let us discuss how the relationship between cannabis plants and microbes play out in the soil.

Plants require enough amount of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous to survive. And this is where microbes come into the play. Microbes decide how much of these essential nutrients your plants will receive. Of course, these nutrients are already present in the soil. However, they are not as accessible as they could be to your plants.

For instance, potassium is more often shrouded in the inorganic material. As microbes present inside the soil consume, metabolizes, and excretes it, potassium can be much more easily consumed by your plants.

In the same way, microbes help in breaking down other nutrients which are then easily available for the plants to consume. This easy access to essential nutrients helps the plants in a great manner. Moreover, with the ability of microbes to aerate the soil – it further assists these plants by ensuring even flow of nutrients and water.

Having said that, these microbes are not doing this out of the kindness of their heart. The roots of the plants release a substance known as exudates into the soil. These substances include a wide range of organic acids, amino acids, and sugars which serve as a great source of nutrients for the microbes. With the bellies of microbes full, the nutritional cycle is fully formed which allows the plants to grow and thrive.

Aerobic or Anaerobic

Based on whether microbes consume oxygen or not, they are classified as aerobic or anaerobic. Anaerobic microbes are the one that does not require oxygen for metabolic processes. Moreover, most of these microbes are classified as non-beneficial and can also be harmful to the growth of your cannabis plants.

On the other hand, microbes that require oxygen are known as aerobic microbes. Moreover, these microbes are considered beneficial for the roots of your plants and assist in their growth. They help in providing nutrition to your plants and make them flourish. Furthermore, because they require oxygen for their metabolism you should avoid overwatering your plants.  If the soil becomes over flooded it will not have enough oxygen. This will result in an anaerobic environment that is considered harmful to the growth of your plants.

Importance of MicrobeBio products on Fungi for Growing Cannabis

You might be thinking that fungi are different from that of microbes and you are not wrong. But they also serve the same purpose and assist in the growth of cannabis.

For instance, one type of fungi known as mycorrhiza fungi binds with the roots of the plant. While acting as the extension of the roots it absorbs nutrients from the larger area which it can cover with its roots acting alone. Mycorrhiza fungi survive using the exudates released from the plants’ root and in return provide the plants with additional nutrients and moisture it gathered from the soil, through the mycelium.

Having said that, this type of fungi is found in two different types. Ectomycorrhizae is the one that lives on the outside of the roots and acts as a sort of sheath extending out for nutrition. Whereas, Endomycorrhizae is the one that lives within the plant itself and helps in bringing the nutrients directly into the roots. While you might be thinking to use the power of fungi for boosting the nutrients uptake in your plants, you should avoid excessive use of fertilizer which can damage these organisms. 

MicrobeBio Probiotic Function

In addition to providing nutrients for the roots, fungi also offer protection to your plants. However, what exactly do the roots of your plants need protection from?

Among the different important microbes, there are several thousands of microscopic worms which are known as parasitic nematodes, feeding on the plant’s roots. From the outside, you will notice that the roots are facing attacks from the ectoparasitic nematodes that live in the soil right outside the rhizosphere.

During the same time, endoparasitic nematodes that can enter the roots by themselves start breaking it from the inside. Due to this systematic breakdown from the outside and the inside, fungi make use of their hyphae. These hyphae are the tiny strands that make up the mycelium of fungi.

Through the use of these strands, fungi can locate and trap both the ectoparasitic nematodes and the endoparasitic nematodes, preventing them from breaking down the roots.

How Earthworms Can Protect Your Cannabis Plants?

Not everything is microscopic when it comes to the protection of your cannabis plant. Even earthworms serve as one of the main lines of defense for ensuring great health and growth of your cannabis plant.

The parasitic nematodes are one of their favorite prey. Therefore, they will eat up everything and anything that the microbes and fungi cannot eat. In return, the earthworms will excrete the waste in the soil which contains essential nutrients required for the growth of your cannabis plants. These nutrients include potassium, phosphorous, nitrogen, magnesium, and calcium.

In addition to providing the nutrients for your plants, earthworms also help in aerating the soil which makes sure that the plants have easy access to the fertilizer.

Benefits of MicrobeBio for Cannabis Plants

By ensuring optimal conditions for your soil microbes, you will certainly notice that are cannabis plants are maturing quickly. The leaves of your cannabis plants will be fuller and greener. Moreover, the plants will end up on the taller side and the buds will also be longer and resinous than average.

Of course, your cannabis plants might survive without the appropriate amount of microbes. However, they will look more amateur in comparison. And with the cost of the seeds adding up, it can lead you to lose money rather quickly, which otherwise you would have been able to spend on growing your operations.

Having said that, now you know all the crucial information that you need to know to take necessary actions and to keep those microbes alive for boosting the growth of your cannabis plants.

MicrobeBio product’s lines

The MicrobeBio product’s lines are an all-natural and organic fertilizer that promotes the growth of beneficial microbes and improves the nutrient uptake for the roots of your plants. The MicrobeBio product’s lines are enhanced with mycorrhizae and beneficial microbes which have been primarily stimulating the growth of your plant roots.

The all-natural and organic fertilizer contains both primary and secondary nutrients to boost the growth and health of your cannabis plants. Once applies, millions upon millions of these beneficial microbes and bacteria make their way to the roots of your plants providing it with a greater increase in water and nutrient absorption efficiency.

At MicrobeBio, we are committed to improving the productivity of the soil by offering products that are affordable and eco-friendly.

Think of MicrobeBio products like this – We’re the health food of plant food, and we’re here to put an end to all of the horticultural junk-food that has been shoved down Mother Nature’s gullet for far too long. You might say that MicrobeBio has taken the very best of Mother Nature and put it into a concentrated form, and like all-natural products should be, we never use growth hormones or GMOs, never irradiate, and we never use any chemicals that are harmful to humans, livestock or the planet.



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Free Field Trial

Available for a limited time, FREE Field Trial samples for cultivators interested in completing a trial case study. Growers must agree to follow the trial methodology procedure that will be provided, this includes tracking results from both treated and control plots, can be up to an acre; Other conditions may apply. Serious inquiries only, please complete the Field Trial application and one of our representatives will follow through with the next step to begin the trial.

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